Cloth Stories

Cloth Stories

An ongoing series of textile collages inspired by vintage hand-written  text. These pieces are meticulously hand stitched with vintage threads using 'gatherings' of old fabric scraps all used, washed & worn.>>
Stolen Stories

Stolen Stories

I am captivated by old, discarded correspondence and the glimpses that they offer into ordinary lives. I know that I am reading words that were never meant for anyone eyes other than the recipients. These letters tell stories of life but are also impregnated by the emotion felt at the exact moment that pen hit paper. >>
(Hi)Stories Uncovered

(Hi)Stories Uncovered

The thought that fabric captures and holds “memory” excites my imagination. The thought that an old piece of clothing is implanted with stories of the wearer. The thought that a piece of stitched table linen holds within it the secrets of a household. I take the phrase “the fabric of our lives” quite literally. >>
Not Just Blue

Not Just Blue

This series of work shares often hidden experiences of motherhood through a series of fragile cot sized quilts and embroidered vintage baby garments. >>
Not Just Blue: The Story Dresses

Not Just Blue: The Story Dresses

This series of work shares often hidden experiences of motherhood through a series of fragile cot sized quilts and embroidered vintage baby garments. >>