Only Two Autumn Workshops? Gasp!

As you may already know I’ve decided to take a break from teaching my own programme of textile workshops for now. However the two that I taught earlier this year at The Restoration Yard, near Edinburgh were such a success, and such fun, that I’ve decided to return to this big, beautiful space this coming October and November to teach just two more!

Textile art by Ali Ferguson
Stories from the Sewing Box / Stories from the Scullery workshop

The first one will be one of my favourites (yes I probably do say this about most of them).

Stories from the Sewing Box / Stories from the Scullery

This is a gorgeous day of ‘slow stitching’, nostalgia and sharing stories. This workshop is perfect for lovers of ‘vintage’ especially those who have fond memories of sewing as a child, of playing with mum’s button box or being fascinated by nan’s sewing box or maybe childhood memories of licking cake mixture out of the mixing bowl and the smell of home baking.

We’ll spend six glorious hours designing and creating  a gorgeous textile collage with a ‘sewing box’ or ‘scullery’ theme.

Materials provided by the Purple Thread Shed
I’ll provide a gorgeous selection of vintage haberdashery treasures!

I’ll be raiding my supplies from my studio, The Purple Thread Shed, and will provide a fabulous selection of vintage materials for you to use throughout the day. I LOVE using old & used materials so I’ll be looking out boxes of vintage embroidered table linens, 1940s floral fabrics, scraps of old lace, paper from 1950s magazines and vintage dressmaking patterns and anything else that comes to hand while I’m packing. Ooh maybe some old quilt fragments and definitely a great selection of vintage haberdashery. And for all you who love to rummage through a good old ‘button box’- there will be buttons…lots of buttons!!

Workshop materials from The Purple Thread Shed
Buttons…all old & used, bringing their own stories!

I’ll also prepare some printed fabrics to bring along. These will be printed from text and images from old sewing magazines, books and jotters and some of my precious vintage recipe books. There isn’t time on the day to print your own fabrics, but I’ll talk you through how it’s done and provide a great selection ready for you to use.

Laying out your patches of fabrics & papers

I’ll work with everyone throughout the day. I tend to demonstrate a few techniques and then work with people individually because you’ll all be doing something different and completely personal. While I provide all the materials that you’ll need, people very often bring along their own bits & pieces to work with. What could be more personal than using your own fabric treasures collected throughout the years from your own family stash? I’ll give suggestions for what to bring when you book your place but do know that you can turn up completely empty handed – perfect for those of you who don’t have a minute to swing a cat (there’s something not quite right about that) or for those who don’t have a stash of their own!

Ali Ferguson work in progress
Creating a collage with vintage papers & fabrics

So – using an old woollen blanket as a ground, I’ll show you how to piece together a gorgeously scrappy background from our vintage fabrics and papers. This is a lovely intuitive process and be warned – it will take much longer than you think! You’ll add more pattern using old haberdashery (don’t you just love that word?) and then you’ll be ready to start the lovely process of slow hand stitching.

Simple straight stitching is all that you need – or be more adventurous – up to you!

Don’t worry if you’re not an experienced stitcher – running stitch and cross-stitch are all you need. A love of textiles and scrappy vintage style is far more important! I encourage people just to start stitching. Once you get started, ideas will grow from there – I promise!

I’ll help you to create balance and flow in your design through your stitching and bring all of these scrappy little patches together as one gorgeous piece. If you feel more adventurous, I’ll demonstrate some of my favourite stitches and will bring along a lovely selection of vintage ‘stitch’ books from my growing collection! Neat perfect stitching is not the order of the day, making lovely personal ‘marks’ with needle and thread most definitely is!

Ali Ferguson Textile Collage
‘Dear Nora”‘ – stitching complete!

Warning! The picture above is  to tempt & inspire you BUT don’t expect to finish your hanging on the day.  Hand stitching is  slow, as is the design process. I’ll give you all the guidance you need to finish your gorgeous project at your own pace at home.

Textile art by Ali Ferguson
The Rev Duncan – stitching complete!

Stories from the Sewing Box / Stories from the Scullery workshop

Saturday 6th October 2018

The Restoration Yard, Dalkeith Country Park – near Edinburgh

The workshop runs from 10.00am – 4.00pm

The cost of the day is £65 inclusive of refreshments & materials

You’ll find out all the details here and I’d love to have you join us!!

I will be teaching one more workshop in the Edinburgh area before the end of the year

Patchwood Christmas Trees on Saturday 17th November at the Restoration Yard.

You can find out the details here and do book soon as there are only a few places left.

Find out where else I will be teaching and I’d love to hear from you if you would like me to teach in your own gorgeous craft venue or to your textile group.

PS – Can anyone accurately count the number of times the word ‘vintage’ is used in this blog? Clue – it’s an awful lot and I even took loads out!!

A Round White Collar – inspired by my personal memories of a home where we ‘made it ourselves’.